My name is Molly Bryan Rudnick and I am here to help you create a fabulous mindset, and help you learn to live a life that makes you strong, healthy, and grateful. I am a mom of 3 teenage daughters Annie (18), Emily (16), and Samantha (13). I am also the wife and life partner with Mr. David Mark Rudnick going on 20 years of marriage. Wow!
I was born and raised in Denver, and am thrilled to consider myself a native of this awesome state. I did leave for college at the University of Vermont, (class of 1988) and lived a couple years in Boston following college. I happily re-established myself here in Denver in 1990, and seriously can not believe how many years have elapsed since then! My kids are moving into adulthood and I’m somewhere between middle age and senior citizen. Not quite, but the reality is that I’m not as young as I think I am.

So what is FabMolly?
I am asked that question a lot. I decided to brand myself as FabMolly when I signed up as a social marketer with a fabulous network marketing company, and through their training, I learned the importance of having your own brand to build authentic relationships. I became FabMolly and created FabMolly.com. Initially, it was a website designed to sell products for my network marketing company, but as with all businesses, the brand has evolved into something bigger. FabMolly is now a registered LLC, an online store, a blog and a website with a mission for me to help others establish a positive mindset.
Be Fabulous! Strong, healthy, grateful! This is my mantra. What it means to me is that each and every day you should wake up and choose to have a positive mindset. Fabulous people are strong, healthy and grateful every day. I know it sounds so optimistic, but this mindset truly is a choice and by exploring exactly what that means, I am finding all sorts of articles and ideas to help people become and stay fabulous!
I hope you will subscribe to my blog, like my fan page on Facebook, and follow me on Instagram so that we can get to know each other better.
Here’s to being and staying fabulous!